douglas shares his marriott career story from the Canadian prairies
Courtesy of Douglas M.

Name: Douglas M.
Position: Director of Operations
Hotel: Delta Hotels Winnipeg
Dream destinations: Greece
Drink or treat of choice: Ice cream—any flavor!

When choosing where to put down roots and build a life for yourself, you might first consider your interests and lifestyle. Do you love seasons? Do you prefer warm weather or cold? Would you rather be in a city center or the country? With regard to the last question, perhaps you don’t have to choose: Winnipeg, a city in the Manitoba region of the Canadian prairies, offers city-country hybrid vibes.

Douglas, Director of Operations at the Delta Hotels Winnipeg, says one of the most unique aspects of his experience in this city is that it’s kind of the best of both worlds, geographically speaking.

“It has a small-town feel, but with all the amenities of a larger city,” he says. “The landscape is beautiful, with wide open spaces, rolling hills, and stunning sunsets. It’s a great place to work and live, and the sense of connection to the land and the people is truly special.”

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In addition to enjoying Winnipeg’s unicorn status as an urban-rural combo, Douglas says the strong job market in the Canadian prairies was a big draw to him—one that seems to have paid off. After having joined Marriott at Delta Hotels Winnipeg in 2016, Douglas has held five different roles, including several promotions.

“I chose to work in the prairies for career opportunities and advancement prospects,” he says. “The prairies have a growing economy. I was also drawn to the strong sense of community and the friendly people in the area.”

It only makes sense for a hospitality professional to love where they live—for Douglas, that’s absolutely the case. His penchant for connecting with his community in Winnipeg shines through in his work.

What’s your favorite part of your job?

As the Director of Operations at the Delta Hotels Winnipeg, I oversee all operating departments in the hotel. My biggest job function is ensuring that our associates are engaged and delivering on the standards of the Delta brand. Luckily for me, the biggest part of my job is also my favorite.

Working with passionate people who come to work every day to do their best is rewarding. We’re dedicated to excellence and are always striving to improve. We support each other, share new ideas, and work together to provide the best possible experience for our guests.

Building strong relationships with my colleagues and seeing the impact of our collective efforts is what makes a good day at work for me. I thrive in an environment where everyone is working toward a common purpose, and where our hard work is recognized and appreciated.

douglas shares his marriott career story from the Canadian prairies

Courtesy of Douglas M.

What’s unique about working in the prairies in Canada?

The opportunity to work at a Marriott in the prairies has allowed me to be part of a dynamic and thriving hospitality industry, and I am grateful for the experiences and connections I have made here. The people are friendly and welcoming, and there is a strong sense of community.

What advice do you have for someone who is considering a career in the prairies in Canada?

Take the time to network and build connections within the local community, as relationships are key in the prairies. Also, commit yourself to continuous learning and skill development, because the prairies offer a diverse range of career paths and opportunities. And, most importantly, be prepared to embrace the natural beauty and vastness of the prairies, which can provide a unique and rewarding lifestyle for those willing to immerse themselves in it.

Where would you take a friend who’s visiting Winnipeg for the day?

You definitely need to stop at Thermëa by Nordik Spa Nature, Assiniboine Park, the Canadian Museum for Human Rights, and, if you are a history buff, the Manitoba Museum. The Historic Exchange District, known for its stunning architecture and vibrant arts scene, is also a great stop. Don’t forget to indulge in some delicious local cuisine at one of the many fantastic restaurants in the city—head to The Forks Market for a great selection of food, all in one spot. And, of course, no visit to Winnipeg would be complete without trying some local craft beers at one of the many breweries in the area.

douglas shares his marriott career story from the Canadian prairies

Courtesy of Douglas M.

What is your favorite ski resort in your area?

Asessippi Ski Area & Resort offers a great variety of runs for all skill levels, and the beautiful prairie landscape provides a unique backdrop for skiing. The resort also has excellent amenities and a friendly atmosphere, making it a perfect destination for a day on the slopes.

How have you used the Marriott Explore Rate?

I have used it all over Canada. I am originally from Ontario, so whenever I visit home, I use my Explore Rate in Toronto to treat my family to a city night. I have also taken advantage of the travel discount when exploring the prairies. Whether it’s a trip to Calgary or a weekend getaway to Edmonton, the Explore by Marriott Bonvoy benefit provides a great way to save on accommodations while still enjoying the comfort and quality of Marriott hotels. It’s allowed me to travel more frequently and affordably.

How would you describe our company culture?

Marriott has a people-first culture, valuing its employees and encouraging teamwork and collaboration. I have been able to develop my skills and leadership abilities through the various training and development programs Marriott offers. The company’s commitment to employee growth and career advancement has helped me progress and take on new responsibilities within the organization. Overall, Marriott’s culture is one of respect, integrity, and dedication to excellence. I look forward to continuing my career with Marriott and taking on new challenges in the future.

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